For the past two decades I have been working closely with leading Investors, Founders, CEOs, VC Managing Partners, Management teams, Executives all over the globe. I call them kind them HIP – High Impact Professionals: individuals who have significant and impactful reach, whether in their field, or in the world.
I am By their side on their path from SIGNIFICANT CROSSROADS of growth, stagnation, questioning, crisis, barriers, burnout or ‘just ‘ lack of spark and creativity (which usually turn out to be not ‘just’ at all) – towards their next GROWTH LEAP. I call it transformation from a survival mindset into a growth mindset. Surprisingly, so many successful people are going through life at an entirely survival mindset, functioning, coping, but not really… LIVING. not living their lives to the fullest, to the extent they could have.
This mindset transformation is the focus of my expertise, and my experience had tought me that this transformation is what enables the next growth leap towards the next step, the next level or chapter, the one that would be practical and concrete but also includes a deep sense of meaning and satisfaction, liberation, creativity and growth on all of life’s aspects: professional, business, team and personal.

For the past two decades I have been working closely with leading Investors, Founders, CEOs, VC Managing Partners, Management teams, Executives all over the globe. I call them kind them HIP – High Impact Professionals: individuals who have significant and impactful reach, whether in their field, or in the world.
I am By their side on their path from SIGNIFICANT CROSSROADS of growth, stagnation, questioning, crisis, barriers, burnout or ‘just ‘ lack of spark and creativity (which usually turn out to be not ‘just’ at all) – towards their next GROWTH LEAP. I call it transformation from a survival mindset into a growth mindset. Surprisingly, so many successful people are going through life at an entirely survival mindset, functioning, coping, but not really… LIVING. not living their lives to the fullest, to the extent they could have.
This mindset transformation is the focus of my expertise, and my experience had tought me that this transformation is what enables the next growth leap towards the next step, the next level or chapter, the one that would be practical and concrete but also includes a deep sense of meaning and satisfaction, liberation, creativity and growth on all of life’s aspects: professional, business, team and personal.
*For Whom
For Entrepreneurs of all kinds.
For investors and senior executives with an entrepreneurial mindset.
What do entrepreneurs and executives who have worked with me say?

Michal Kissos, Head of Innovation and Digital, and Ran Gavriel, Head of Internal Innovation, Leumi Bank
“The business dictionary defines a “Trend” as a “pattern of gradual change of a situation, product or process.” Thanks to Liraz, who is charismatic, talented and super smart – our trend wasn’t gradual at all. We want to thank Liraz, who guided and advised us on the process of spreading innovation at Leumi Bank, who enthralled us and added a great deal of value, vitality and unique style to the process and to its excellent results and products. Thank you so very much, and we look forward to continuing our work together!”

Ido Sadeh, Founder and chairman of SAGA Foundation
“Liraz makes you feel comfortable to consult and confide in her fully and freely, to impose the burden of management and leadership onto her, and to receive an objective view of the whole picture. She is like an echo chamber that allows a manager or entrepreneur to develop ideas together with her creatively and effectively.”

Anat Sever, Founder and Co-CEO, EngageYa.com
“Liraz is a deep and super-smart professional, who observes and analyzes what she sees professionally, accurately and effectively. She relates to the advising process personally and makes you feel that she is a true partner in the process. She has the ability to zoom in to the micro level, and at the same time to zoom out to the bigger picture.”
I bring with me everything I have gathered throughout:
- Two decades of unique rich hands-on experience with leading HIP all around the world.
- An accumulation of dozens of years of experience of my clients (probably hundreds of years by now) – leading investors and founders from all over the globe, in thousands of situations and crossroads.
- In-depth familiarity with all significant aspects of the business world and, most specifically (nut not limited to) tech, innovation, investment, and entrepreneurship.
- TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES – PRACTICAL, RESEARCH – AND EXPERIENCE- BASED – specifically TAILORED to HIP – developed during two decades of knowledge gathering combined with hands-on researching, collecting, trying, improving. all tried and tested, based on executive development, behavioral economics, neurobiology, through practical and existential psychology, communication and attachment patterns, Buddhist tools, practices and principles, and creativity-release methods used by artists.

I don’t prepare slides or reports, and don’t do the work for my client or advisee. I also don’t believe that there is always one single definitive, scientific and unchanging business model that is “right.” My goal is to give each client I work with the knowledge and tools that will allow him or her to be a better entrepreneur, better investor, better manager. Tools that they can apply in future situations and times as well, without the need for my future presence.
I promise to provide you with all of the knowledge, experience and tools I have accrued over the years – in academia, through consulting and mentoring entrepreneurs, investors and executives, by mentoring companies and startups throughout entire life cycles; in management and business, in personal development processes, in creative thinking and creative processes – even in surfing and diving, if it becomes relevant.
I promise to ask the right and most precise questions that will help you understand, analyze and make decisions. Questions from several perspectives at the same time: theoretical-academic, business-practical, creative, and personal.
I also promise you a regular break to breathe, get fresh air, gather your thoughts. I promise that you will leave with more inner peace and confidence, you will connect better to what you are doing and why you are doing it. I promise that the noise, or at least part of it, will dissolve and you will know where your focus should be; that you will leave with a clearer picture of where you are going and why.
On your part, you will need to promise to make time, and to come armed with your natural curiosity.
That’s all.